OBS Crashing multiple times and also dropping to 0 Kbps every day (2025)



New Member
  • Friday at 5:39 PM
  • #1

So, I am streaming since 2020 and used several versions of OBS. Since I am using OBS 28 and above the streams sometimes crashes or drops to 0Kbps (twitchtest works perfectly on the same server at the same time). I have SAMMI to control my streams and use a lot of plugins to have special effects in my streams. Sometimes you can clearly see OBS crashes when an effect is beeing triggered - unfortunately I cant figure out whats causing it, because its always a different effect and also deactivating several effects, to see if it was especially that one effect, doesnt help. Ram Usage is a bit maxed out most of the time (16GB). I tried to optimize everything with webm files, unecessary files get deactivated. the funny thing is, that I managed to make obs never use more than 6 gb so I never go above 11 or 12gbs of ram and if I tell my chat to spam every meme its smooth and dont stutter or crashes. Its just random, sometimes even without activating anything. I know OBS isnt made for this kind of Streams and interactions and all these years I rly tried to make it as easy as possible for OBS to have all these scenes and sources but I cant figure out why its crashing so much now and also randomly dropping connection or just go down to 0kbps and stay connected. it appeared randomly that OBS now crashes about every hour when im live. If I stop the memes its totally fine and i cant figure out whats happening.

I am wondering how much scenes and sources OBS can handle? I have like 130 scenes, some with more than 10 sources and some with less. Everytime something gets activated, it also gets deactivated. I have 6 Main scenes for starting, brb, just chatting, gaming, retro scene, ending scene and a meme scene thats nested so if a meme gets activated it can be seen in every main scene. all other scenes are sub scenes that get nested in meme scene or different scenes. But they arent active all the time.

I would like to add a log file but they were to large because of an video decoding error of my cam (had to set it to 30fps and its gone). Today im collecting all the data again and post log and crash file afterwards

Steps I tried:

  • https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/dropped-frames-disconnecting-lag-read-this-first.8870/
  • https://obsproject.com/forum/thread...ing-too-long-to-encode-read-this-first.23334/
  • Streaming to Testservers within OBS for several hours, several days and using all the channelpoints redemptions with effect (nothing happened to OBS)
  • Disabling the effects on the 3rd Party side (worked out)

    My next step is to increase the RAM and try to deactivate every single feature of my stream, step by step until the crashes are gone. But still. OBS dropping to 0 Kbps while still beeing connected to testservers and have a stable ethernet connections drives me crazy ..

maybe someone of you has the same problem or even a solution to this

for now, this is my analyzer link: https://obsproject.com/tools/analyzer?log_url=https://obsproject.com/logs/iYnujFHT1dMk3sFI#logURL

Win 11 (updates active)
RTX 2060 (latest drivers)
16 GB Ram
Aorus Gaming Wifi 5


Active Member
  • Friday at 6:54 PM
  • #3

Please provide a crash report. If no crash report is available, then most probably OBS isn't crashing and something else causes it to close.
Also, the log file used have no output session which is must needed to further asses any probable cause of the issues.

You have too many plugins. Remove anything you don't really need and make sure every single plugin you keep is updated and compatible with the OBS version you're using.



New Member
  • Today at 11:13 AM
  • #4

I did a stream on friday and it somehow worked perfectly... I fixed some issues with cam decoding by setting cam fps to 30 - with this my log files wont be to large (thats why I couldt provide any). Somehow my cam audio activated itself and caused a buffer error. should be fixed when i disable the audio, since im using my mic for audio. But anyways I added the old crash files and my latest log.

EDIT: I noticed that I didnt get a raid - the other times OBS crashed I got a raid in that stream. I load several things like profilpictures in browsersource, raid amound in text sources with different effects, while beeing raided and I dont know if there is a memory leak or something. But on friday I didnt got raided and my tool didnt load anything. I'll keep track of that.

qhobbes said:

Please be aware that OBS renders every scene in your scene collection simultaneously so there's no delay when switching scenes.

Ah thats good to know, thank you! So does it even render everything while disabled (eye symbol off) and every source off?

qhobbes said:

Also, did you read the part about No Output Session in the Analyzer link?

Yeah, I didnt stream at that moment. I added the log in the zip and used analyzer
Analyzer Link from the last stream:

Analyzer | OBS

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Stream to Twitch, YouTube and many other providers or record your own videos with high quality H264 / AAC encoding.

OBS Crashing multiple times and also dropping to 0 Kbps every day (3)obsproject.com

PaiSand said:

You have too many plugins. Remove anything you don't really need and make sure every single plugin you keep is updated and compatible with the OBS version you're using.

Yeah I am trying to figure out which ones I can get rid off without loosing my effects. Will do that step by step with every new stream, thanks.


  • logs and crashes.zip

    198.4 KB · Views: 0

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OBS Crashing multiple times and also dropping to 0 Kbps every day (2025)
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